Monday, September 12, 2011

Back to School...

I am back into teaching at OCC.  The Fall Semester started last week and I am settling into my routine.  I did not have as many "first-day-of-school-late-to-class-no-clothes-or-lesson-plan" nightmares during August as I have in the past.  I think it is due to the fact that I spent a good deal of time on campus during August (finishing a special project for my VP, learning our new online course management system, assembling my tenure application material, etc.) so I never really had to "go back" to school - I was already there.
Hurricane Irene ruined our last best chance to hit the beach before school started back up.  The boys are in swimming lessons every Saturday morning through October and my schedule does not have a "free" day until late September (right before my tenure application is due!)  Therefore, our beach going is likely over until next Summer.
One positive note about Irene...we cleaned out our garage the weekend before she hit.  As it became apparent that she was headed our way, we decided to try to fit our minivan in the garage (just in case a tree fell on the driveway.)  With some minor organizing (and by folding in our van's side mirrors) we got it in the garage rather easily.  Up until this point, we had "eyeballed" the van and garage and decided that it wouldn't fit.  Now that we know it will fit, we can keep it safely locked up whenever we need to.
Once again I am dealing with troubling issues at work - it seems that September is the time for those lately - and once again I am finding my only comfort as I turn to my Heavenly Father and Savior.  Perhaps September is the "humbling" point in my own Nephite-like pride cycle.  Even if it isn't, I am grateful to know that I have a loving Heavenly Father and Savior who are there to comfort me when the world cannot provide comfort.
