Friday, December 17, 2010

Why can't parents "make it all better"?

My oldest went into the doctor last week.  His hip was doing better after his limping rather severely through Saturday night and Sunday.  However, the pain has now moved to his left hip/thigh.  He was having difficulty even getting off of the couch for dinner due to the pain.  After dinner he was in his room crying due to the pain.  It absolutely devastated me.

Right now he is watching Charlie Brown's Christmas with his siblings.  If he is still in as much pain as before, we will have to call the doctor and perhaps head to the ER.  I hope not.  I hate the ER, and I know he would too.

Again, why can't I just make it all better?

1 comment:

Lollipop said...

hug him for me and tell him i love him