Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Nightrider and Jersey voting...

11/5/2007: 14.09-mile biking, 50:07, 16.9 mph

Yesterday was my first "night-time" commute home. I left work about 5:20pm and by then it was completely dark. Fortunately I had installed a headlight and taillight on Aldetha, plus I was wearing my reflective jacket, so the cars didn't run me down. My time was a little slower due to a serious stitch in my side that I just could not get rid of.

This morning I biked to work in the pouring rain - but not after I had voted! In New Jersey the entire state assembly and senate are up for grabs. I managed to vote for only one Republican (out of about 6 options.) Why? Well I actually have met and talked with the Republican I voted for and he's an OK guy - plus, the parties here in Jersey are very similar. You vote for the one out of power because whoever is in power is corrupt! I did vote for my boss, not because he's my boss and in spite of the fact that he's a Democrat. I voted because I know and like the guy - and Toms River is part of the corrupt Republican machine of Ocean County.

Maybe I'll run for public office after I'm the dean,

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