Friday, April 30, 2010

A bit of a rant...

I have commented on the free speech vs. "I'm offended" debate before. Simply by framing the issue with those words, you should know where I stand. I found this article in the Philadelphia Inquirer and completely agree with the author's conclusion:

'South Park' vs. the sword

Theo Van Gogh, whose antics occasionally resembled South Park's in their tastelessness, discovered that his pen was no match for a killer's sword. And yet, the pen - the keyboard, the comedian, and the editorial cartoon; Bart, Cartman, Kyle, and Kenny - actually holds enormous power. To win, however, it needs its backers to show backbone. Too bad South Park's have none.

If you prefer a picture (I'm not going to type 1000 words) here's one I used at my old blog.

End of rant.

Now I get to discuss Arizona's immigration law with my class (no controversy there!)

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