Sunday, January 25, 2009

Note to self...

After viewing a friend's "Anti-8 rally" photo album on Facebook, I remembered that I never posted my analysis of how the major political theories fit into that vote and post-election "debate." There's too little time for me to do so now, but here's a preview...

Conservatism - pro Prop 8 and against state/court action against the outcome
Liberalism - anti Prop 8 and against any restrictions on any marriages or relationships
Communism - anti Prop 8 and for overthrowing all other bourgeois institutions (like liberty, family, equality, etc.)
Fascism - anti Prop 8 and for state/court action invalidating the democratic process
Socialism - indifferent (it's not about economic opportunity.)

Explanations and elaborations to come at a later date.
You may also have noted that I biked to work last Friday.

Slowly returning to form,

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