Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The rewards of teaching...

Today I got this e-mail from a student (emphasis added):

Prof Young,
Just wanted to let ya know..... I know nothing about that government. When I say nothing, i quite literally mean NOTHING..... I don't want you to get the impression of me that I don't try, because I do, a lot.

You seem mad chill for a teacher, I can get along with you....thats a plus. So.....if I have no idea what is going on one day...I'll get it later on

I have no idea what "mad chill" means by itself, but from the context, I'm sure it's a compliment.

Mad Chill. Not bad for a 34 year old with graying hair,


Anonymous said...

Ha ha! That's awesome. I like to think that 34 isn't so old, but graying hair…that must be another reward of teaching.

(Someone should teach that student how to enter an ellipsis character. There must be an English teacher somewhere deep down inside me.)

Anonymous said...

Hey, 34 is the new 24, isn't it? ;)