Monday, June 29, 2009

Reinventing the blog...

Lately this blog has become too political and sparse in its content. I have decided to make it more of a journal of personal and family happenings. I am doing this because my own journal writing has fallen off considerably - and I recall that my old blog during grad school often provided an excellent accounting of important events in my and my family's lives.

I am finished teaching for the summer - my two classes during the second five-week session were canceled due to low enrollment - and now have a "honey-do" list almost two pages long. I still have some commitments at OCC. Today, after I donate platelets, I will go in to finalize the grades for my earlier summer classes, write the report for the department assessments, and attend a meeting of the Advising Policy ad-hoc committee. Before next Tuesday I have to submit a budget for my team's part of OCC's Perkins Grant. After that, I will only have the College Senate and an ad-hoc bylaws committee to worry about until I start preparing for Fall.

That's all for today - I will try to post more regularly and include information about the family (especially the kids) to keep it interesting for everyone.

Looking forward to a more family-focused summer,

1 comment:

Liz said...

I'm excited to hear more about the family (not that I am good about doing that for my own family). Mom got a web cam and wants to set up regular chats, which I think is a great idea. We need your baby to get used to what we look and sound like, and the older cousins could use some time to talk. Sorry we haven't been better about keeping up with you, but I'm hoping we get better.