Thursday, July 2, 2009

Home internet issues...

Our cable internet has been spotty and slow since Tuesday - so we are a little out-of-touch with everyone. I did manage to put a dominos pizza icon on facebook right after I ordered by birthday pizzas yesterday.

My little girl is crawling everywhere! She tries to "walk" on her right leg and two hands - the left leg is just there for balance. I say she crawls everywhere, but that's not really true. She normally yells at us to pick her up before too long, or she is expertly (and enthusiastically) intercepted by one of her older brothers. I am pretty certain she'll be walking before 10 months (that's when both her brothers took off.)

The boys are awesome! We bought them (and me) baseball gloves for their 1/2 birthdays. I so look forward to a summer of throwing the ball in the back yard! They both love Mythbusters. We watched two episodes last night while we ate pizza. Now that the weather is getting a little more "summer-like" I hope we get more opportunities to head to the beach.

I am officially finished as Program Coordinator of Social Sciences! My job ended as of 1 July (happy birthday present!) but I just finished sending the assessment reports for Spring 2009 (my last responsibility!) I am now simply Professor Young, Instructor of Political Science.

Well that's all for now. Hopefully the home internet will last until Tuesday when the tech comes by. If anyone has any useful input on what kind of computer we should get to replace our old desktop (we are considering a Mac) please let me know.

Daddy's headed home!

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