Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A new semester with the same old content...

Fall semester has started here at OCC, and I am now in my 5th semester teaching here. I am only on my 3rd semester, however, using the International Relations textbook I adopted last Fall. The textbook starts by using the attacks on the 9/11 to demonstrate how four different perspectives can see the cause of a single event differently. Inevitably, some student points out that the textbook (and the theories) seem to be ignoring the "inside job" position. I normally step out of my very open and cosmopolitan academic attitude to gently squash that and all other "conspiracy theories." This happened last Friday. Perhaps I should be more open to the idea of conspiracy theories, but I just can't bring myself to allow them to be seriously discussed in an academic setting due to their warped trails of "facts" and logic.

Oh, well. Apparently conspiracy theories are not limited to the here and now. They had them a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.......

(If you're not into dark humor, don't watch it - if you do watch it, watch the whole thing)

Stormtroopers' 9/11

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