Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Joyous Milestone...

Yes, this is my 100th post on this blog. I have been posting off and on (mostly off) for nearly three years now. Since I first started I have experienced too many things to relate in a single post. However, here are some of the highlights:

Moved to NJ to begin my career teaching Political Science.
Served as both seminary teaching and choir director for my ward.
Bought my first home.
Participated in the birth of my first daughter.
Baptized my oldest son.

As I said, there have been others, but those are the ones that really rise to the top.

My major goals for the next three years include:

Gain tenure at OCC.
Baptize my second son.
Ordain my oldest son as a deacon.
Take my wife on a cruise.

Again, not an exhaustive list, but it hits some of the more important items.

My final statement in this 100th post is an enormous "THANK YOU" and "I LOVE YOU" to my wonderful wife. She has made the last three years (and all 10+ years of our marriage) wonderful.

Looking forward to many more years of joy,

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