Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Lights, camera, action!

Well, I got to sleep in because none of my seminary students were coming today. The good side of that is 2 extra hours of sleep. The bad side is that I didn't have time to shave this morning before I had to leave. In addition to my 2+ days growth I haven't had a haircut in well over a month (and my last cut was just the "edge" around the ears and neck.) So I was looking a little shaggy and scruffy. I wouldn't normally mind that for a Wednesday - I only teach 1 smaller class and the only other people I see are faculty or staff for meetings. But today...

I knew I was going over to the TV Studio on campus for what I thought was just a "prep" for my televised presentation, "Madame Secretary of State: Madeline Albright and Condoleezza Rice," on Friday, March 14th. Of course not, that would be too easy. It ended up being a recording session for a 2-3 minute interview with Dean Richard Strada about my presentation for an "ad" spot on OCC's cable channel. I did really well. Despite being very nervous (I can speak in front of 35 kids at a time, three times a day, or 400 people in a lecture hall and do just fine - but three cameras scare me?) my interview came off smoothly and appeared very natural (I hadn't prepared anything - but I know the topic well enough to fake it.) It's probably better to look bad and sound smart....

The alternative is just scary,

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