Friday, May 2, 2008

Red Green & Politics...

I was first introduced to The Red Green show when I lived in british-comedy-friendly-saturday-night-pbs Utah. We only lost out to some station in Iowa when it came to supporting The Red Green show (even though it's Canadian - like the Royal Canadian Air Farce - not British.)

The British shows I came to know and love include:

'Allo 'Allo!
"listen carefully, I shall say this only once"

Fawlty Towers
"don't mention the war!"

Yes, [Prime] Minister
"Well, almost all government policy is wrong, but...frightfully well carried out."

Are You Being Served?
"And I am unanimous in that!"

Red Dwarf

Mr. Bean
"Christmas socks!"

and my personal favorite:

"Death and degredation stalk our land like two big stalking things."

So what the heck (did I mention I am from Utah?) does Red Green have to do with politics? First, it was the governing coalition that formed under Gerhardt Schroeder in Germany in 1998. Germany assigns colors to their political parties (similar to what we in the U.S. have done with our "Red State/Blue State" labeling.) Well, red is the color of the center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD) and green is the color of the Green Party (of course.) Which is why Europeans can't understand why we made the Republican states red when they make the left/socialist/communist parties red.

The second (and most important) thing Red Green has to do with politics comes from one of the political cartoon websites I used to frequent during graduate school - Iowa Presidential Watch. I was reviewing some of the old cartoons they had and found this one.

Being a conservative that has had major issues with John McCain since 2000, I was disappointed with the Republican primaries' results. However, I am pragmatic enough to easily accept the Conservative Man's Prayer and vote for McCain over either of the democrats.

Now that I've ranted about politics, feel free to post comments about your favorite Britcoms and episodes (Canadian shows accepted too.)

It's good my wife finds me handsome 'cause I'm certainly not handy,


Liz said...

My favorite line from Royal Canadian Air Farce was the Hair Club for Men sketch - "I'm wearing one now."

Waiting for God just finished on KUED, so I am without a British sitcom right now.

Becky said...

"before you eat your little sausauges..." ~Herr Flick, Allo Allo

"you can't knock a nail into the wall with a hamster, well I could try now couldn't I" ~ Basil, Faulty Towers

"I was neither one way or the other, which is unusual for me, isn't it Mr. Lucas" ~ Mr. Humphries, Are You Being Served

"Indoor/Outdoor, finger-food buffet and candelight supper" and all other variations ~ Hyacinth Bucket, Keeping Up Appearances

"I'm gonna eat you little fishy" ~Cat, Red Dwarf (I use a variation of this while chasing my nieces/nephews around - I say I'm gonna get you little fishy)

"High school, I'm having a degree of difficulty getting through high school. But I'll do it, cuz I have goals. Like to be a hockey player or a circuit court judge" ~ Martin Short, SCTV, the skit with the idiots on a quiz show

I realize all of my quotes might not be verbatim, but its how I can recall them right now (and how I say them anyway).