Monday, September 3, 2007

And the calling is...

8/29/2007: 14.09-mile biking, 48:40, 17.4 mph
9/1/2007: 5.2-mile run, 46:27, 8:56 pace

My knee hurt all through Wednesday and Thursday, so I took Thursday and Friday off from biking and running. Thursday was easy to avoid - I had an all-day event at OCC to kick-off the academic year - lots of sitting was good for the knee. By Saturday morning I was able to run pain-free. I look forward to this week. I might be able to log over 20 miles of running and 50 miles of biking. I'll just have to see.

OK, for the big news. First of all, I was not sustained in our Ward meetings yesterday. The second counselor in the bishopric met with me to go over the details of the calling and told me that it was approved at the stake level. So what is the calling? Seminary teacher. I am very excited about it. I should be contacted this week by the CES director for our area and the High Council member over seminary/CES. As I understand it, I will be teaching every weekday at about 6am. I'll need to move my running time, but that's no big deal. I won't start until the 10th or 17th of September, so I have some time to prepare.

That's it. I think Becky had the closest guess with EQ/HP teacher. Well, gotta go shopping before the ward chili cook-off this afternoon.

I must have "teacher" written on my forehead,

1 comment:

Becky said...

Congratulations on the calling. I hope it is a good experience for you! What book are they on this year?