Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Back on track...

Last night a cold front came through and took our 105+ heat index with it. My bike ride this morning was in the low to mid 70s and felt great (despite a 10mph headwind.) It looks like the wind is still blowing the same way, so I should have a tailwind for the ride home. I must say that riding to work makes such a difference in my attitude. I have felt so much better about myself and what I'm am doing today than I felt yesterday or Monday when I drove in. I look forward to biking the remainder of the summer - unless it gets stupid hot again.

Today in class we talked about election systems (how you count votes and decide who wins elections) in different countries. As a part of the discussion, one of the students talked about his experience running for the Seaside Heights school board. He ran and won election at the age of 18. One thing he mentioned, that had little to do with election systems, was the difficulty he had being taken seriously. There is a definite bias against youth in that regard. I can easily sympathize with him (I should probably say "empathize," but I'm a strict empathy constructionist - the experiences have to be exactly the same for empathy to even be possible.) As the Program Coordinator for the department, I have the responsibility of observing and evaluating the adjunct professors. I did my first 15-20 this last semester. One of them was not very impressed with my evaluation and wrote a page and a half letter in response. As I discussed the matter with others in the department they feel it is my age and apparent "lack of experience" that is at the core of this instructor's reaction. I can understand that, but I was hired as the Program Coordinator for a reason. Evaluating adjunct instructors is part of the job and my academic and teaching experience and training have prepared me well. Or as someone in the department put it, "you know [lousy teaching] when you see it." Therefore, my response to that adjunct is:


1 comment:

Liz said...

I need a full size poster like that at my house.