Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Catching the true Christmas spirit (finally!)

My wife and I have been searching through our credit card reward points looking for gift ideas for everyone in our little family. As I looked through all the items, I could not find anything that I wanted enough to "spend points" to get. DVDs? Nope, I've got netflix (on demand via the Wii) CDs? Nope, I can find anything I really want through cheaper or more song-specific means. Books? Nope, the library (OCC or Ocean County College - including inter-library loan.) That pattern continued through everything I could think of. The practical things I want are too expensive (tool set, propane powered mulching mower, leaf blower/bagger, etc) and the smaller things were too easy to rationalize away.

I needed to find something I really wanted (not just needed.) I think I finally did. I won't say what, because I think a large man who lives north of us and likes red (no, not Governor Christie) might be involved. Although it has no practical use, I am really excited about it. I think that's so cool! Maybe this is what Christmas should be about (and I've been missing the point) - making people feel happy and loved, not simply providing what they need.

That idea can go beyond the gift-giving to include the entire Christmas season.


1 comment:

Lollipop said...

one pro of dvds as opposed to netflix is you can spread the joy by lending your dvd to other people