Monday, November 15, 2010

O how things have changed...

After my last post, things really went downhill at OCC. A new policy that "caps" the percentage of full-time faculty that can be tenured at any time has done serious damage to any positive atmosphere on campus - especially among the non-tenured faculty. Basically, the numbers do not add up to allow all those who are eligible for tenure over the next two years to be granted tenure. NJ state law requires tenure or termination at the start of the 6th year of teaching for county colleges. So we are all a little worried. I know I am an excellent professor and colleague; however, some events during the early Fall have cast some doubt on my own tenure expectations.

No matter what happens, I know that my Heavenly Father directed me to this job. He has always been there for me I have always tried to follow Him. I know that no matter what happens, it will be for His purpose (and my good.)

I know that is a bit of a downer for a 1st post back. I will have more positive posts. I plan to post everyday between now and Christmas. If I can do that, I will definitely have established a habit.


1 comment:

DireKobold said...

Well that sucks. However posting every day is good news, I could use some good reading material. I'm also excited for a local take on Christie... I love that guy.