Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day!

We had an absolutely fabulous time at our Thanksgiving dinner. Although the food was awesome, the socializing was really the best. From the moment I walked through the door I was continuously involved in conversations on topics from football to homeschooling, parenting to politics, career to cooking. My two younger kids probably didn't get enough to eat because they were so busy playing with all their friends. My oldest probably got enough just because he is more mature and is beginning to turn into a tweenager.

The downside of such an exciting social event is that my kids all came home somewhat crabby. No nap, general fatigue, low blood sugar, post sugar-high letdown, over stimulation - you can take your pick as far as explanation. By 7pm they were all in bed and by 7:30 they were all asleep.

I would love to be in bed asleep; however, I have the late-night post-Thanksgiving shopping run (my wife is taking the mid-morning run.) I will be headed out for 10pm and 12am sales. Hopefully the real crazies will be waiting for the HDTVs, laptops, and blu-ray players that go on sale between 3am and 5am (after I'm home in bed!)

Mmmmm, home in bed,

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